Does oil and water mix?

Beating the oil drum loudly –

Of interest is the subsistance (sinking) created by the vacuum of pressure after drilling for oil and gas.  It is an issue that did not get into text books until after the invetion of GIS.  In fact, I have 1950’s Louisiana elementary school text books that declare the elevation of New Orleans to be at just over 500 feet  sea level.  People complain that New Orlean’s folks are dumb for living in a “sinking city”, when in fact, most of the city was built prior to the 1950’s … seek some history of the North American continent back to the 1700’s folks.  These ignorant peeps blame those that live in the city for their own flooding problems.  Not everyone realizes that the Louisiana Purchase didn’t include portions of the current State of Louisiana!  It isn’t necessarily taught in public schools.  Technology brought the information about the sinking city to light just a few short years ago and attempts have been made to rectify these issues, although, they are much too late.  Louisiana was the last state in the Nation to create a water policy, it’s much the same reason why many New Orlean’s folks drink bottled water.  They don’t have the natural water supply anylonger due to the compression of the soils, the creation of dams, canals and the erosion of the Gulf Coast line.  Other factors are the diversion of the Mississippi River after the great flood in the early 1900’s and the carelessness and ignorance of previous generations of politicians ….ahm lazy corrupt politicians.

One Response to “Does oil and water mix?”

  1. Keith Krikorian Says:


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